Partner news & articles

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Partner News & Articles

The way we supply telecommunications to the world will change dramatically by 2023.
The New KnowBe4 App for Android and Apple Devices has been released!
Keeper's UK cybersecurity census report for 2022 has been released and the results offer a stark reality check for UK businesses!
Most of us will have heard of the dark web, and perhaps the more daring among us have even travelled across planes.
The word “Partner” is overused, but at Brigantia, we put partnership at the heart of everything that we do. Brigantia partners that are already selling Brigantia’s own KnowBe4 as a Managed Service...
How certain are you that the passwords you use are secure?
Hornetsecurity have released their latest instalment of their monthly email threat review. The report presents an overview of the email-based threats observed in July 2022 and compares them to the...
In almost all cases, the hackers will be cleverer than their targets...
MSPs these days are overburdened. With tens of different vendors to manage across various service offerings ranging from cybersecurity to cloud hosting, the burden is growing, as are customer...