Meet our vendors

The cybersecurity market contains a lot of hype and many products. This can make it difficult for MSPs to choose products that meet the security needs of their customers.

At Brigantia, we make it easy. Our highly selective, complementary cybersecurity stack puts quality over quantity. Every Brigantia vendor offers a genuine solution to a real cybersecurity problem.

How does this benefit you? Partners can rest assured that our offer is high quality and commercially viable. This value-added approach has led us to be trusted advisors among our partners and a sought-after distributor for vendors.

Our portfolio

Our layered portfolio of products includes:

  • Next-generation anti-virus
  • Unified, proactive endpoint security
  • Managed detection and response (MDR)
  • Patch management
  • Vulnerability assessments
  • Office365 security and optimisation
  • DMARC authentication
  • Penetration testing
  • Security training and awareness
  • Phishing training
  • Insider threat
  • Email security
  • Backup and recovery, archiving, and disaster recovery
  • Password management
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Privileged access management (PAM)
  • Fraud prevention
  • Cyber Essentials as a managed service
  • Permissions management
  • Zero trust browser 
  • Dark web monitoring
  • Unified workspace
  • Legal service for MSPs

Carefully selected best-in-class Vendors

Vendor testimonials

“Brigantia is dedicated to providing a suite of products to solve the challenges channel partners face when it comes to cybersecurity. Brigantia truly is a value added distributor in their relationship with both vendor and channel partners."

Jamie Akhtar, CEO, CyberSmart

“Since launching with Brigantia, the journey has been nothing but positive. Brigantia is trusted by MSPs because they focus on what they do. The webinar launch was a success, not only because of the product but also because the trust was already there on the partner side.”

Rob McFeely, CEO, Octiga

“Brigantia have been with us since we launched in the UK and Irish markets. Since then, with their help, we have grown significantly. Brigantia is an extension of our team, and their knowledge of the UK channel and genuine care about the products and services we can offer MSPs is why we continue to work so closely with them!”

Morten Kjaersgaard, CEO, Heimdal Security

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