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Partner News & Articles

The headline is that ransomware attacks on British organisations have doubled from a year ago. This should be taken seriously by everyone now, regardless of how large or small your organisation is,...
Avast has recently reported that as many as three million people use browser extensions that maliciously take their data. Naturally, these extensions say that they can do all sorts of useful things,...
OK, so you have an MSP / MSSP / Reseller business. Some of your clients will be struggling these days; various parts of the economy are currently taking some serious beatings. In Keynesian terms, the...
Brigantia took the decision when the pandemic broke out to not furlough its members of staff, but rather to implement the “Everybody works from home” plan. Being in the sector that Brigantia is, with...
“May you live in interesting times” is an English expression which purports to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. While seemingly a blessing, the expression is normally used ironically;...
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is not a fast-moving department normally. In fact, nearly a year into having GDPR in effect in the UK and so far, not a single company has been prosecuted...
I was struck by a thought this morning when a phishing email arrived in my inbox, and I pressed the Phish-Alert button as I had been trained to do, “this is why we train”.
When I was a child, I heard the saying and completely misunderstood it: I thought, “How can anyone stitch time?” Needless to say, it was quite a while before I actually understood the true meaning of...
If you had to guess what the main tool that hackers use to get into an organisation is, what would you say? Would it be some fancy software developed by secret government agencies for clandestine...
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