Solve Email Authentication and Stop Impersonation Attacks with Brigantia’s latest vendor: Sendmarc

24th January @ 11:00am - 12:00am

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24th January @ 11:00am - 12:00am

Due to unprecedented demand, we have arranged a second webinar in quick succession which will showcase Brigantia’s latest vendor partner: Sendmarc.
Sendmarc solves two major problems for channel partners which end customers are immediately buying into:

  • The solution guarantees email delivery from February when Google (and other very large technology companies) change the rules around email
  • Sendmarc stops impersonation attacks in their tracks which is critical given over 90% of cyber-attacks start with an email

This webinar has already taken place, if you are interested in getting a recording of it, please fill out the form below.


Start: 24th January - 11:00am
End: 24th January - 12:00am
Event Category: Webinar